
Greta Thunberg Memes – Greta Thunberg Exposed Tweet Memes Trolls

We all know that the Farmers Protest matter is going to be more serious day by day. But do you know that India’s farmers’ protest is now a gossip topic for other countries too? yes, you heard it right, Many international celebrities were now included in this debate of Farmers protest through their social media. Recently a famous international personality Greta Thunberg also tweet on farmers’ protest. And from then, people start searching for Greta Thunberg Memes on google even #GretaThunbergExposed is also trending on Twitter.

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Greta Thunberg Memes

Greta Thunberg Memes Greta Thunberg Memes Greta Thunberg Memes


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Greta Thunberg Memes

After Greta Thunberg tweet, people start making jokes and memes about her. Even later she deleted her tweet but still, her memes trend was continuously rising. and now her hashtag #GretaThunbergExposed is trending high on Twitter. Let’s check some fun memes on Greta Thunberg.

Greta Thunberg Memes Greta Thunberg Memes Greta Thunberg Memes Greta Thunberg Memes Greta Thunberg Memes


Why Greta Thunberg Trending?

Recently Greta Thunberg shared a toolkit document which is on running farmers protest. In this document, Greta defames India on an international level. This document is shared on her Twitter handle which later she deleted. But from then, memers start making her meme, fun & jokes. Even now, #GretaThunbergExposed is trending high on Twitter.

Who is Greta Thunberg?

She is a Swedish environmental activist who works for founding problems in climate change. she addresses the issue and criticizes world leaders to take action for it. as per the sources, her mother is an opera singer while her father is an actor. She is always in news popularity. She gave many big speeches on world climate change in front of many big personalities confidently and in a straightforward manner. and just because of this straightforward manner, she is known as a great environmental activist.

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