A horrible accident took place where actor Sword Mahesh got injured. The famous film critic and actor was admitted to Chennai hospital. He was receiving treatment for more than 10 days in there but wasn’t improving. Sadly on July 10, he died leaving fans and family in pain. Later doctors confirmed that his eyes, nose, and head were seriously injured.
Unfortunately, he had a car accident close to Gudur in Nellore district two weeks in the past. More details about his death are yet to be revealed.
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Sword Mahesh Wiki
Kathi Mahesh is known to be a well-known actor in the Telugu film industry. Further, he also made controversy on Pawan Kalyan. According to our findings, he was born in Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh. He completed his graduation from Hyderabad Central University.
He also supported YSR Congress Party in past. Kathi started his career as an actor with Edari Varsham. He also contributed to many Telugu films.
Net Worth
According to our findings, his net worth is estimated to be around 500k USD. There must be plenty of websites that are claiming his net worth. It is recommended to don’t trust these websites.
Family, wife, kids
Kathi Mahesh’s family, kids, as well as wife, is not known. More details will be updated soon.