Shantini Theva a famous actress got in the news after she filed a complaint against the former Tamil Nadu minister for cheating her. Acording to her former AIADMK minister, M Manikandan promised her to get married after 5 years of relationship but later when she got pregnant he then left her. In the FIR she also said that he forced her to get an abortion and threatened her and her family as well.
Hence further in this post, we will talk about in detail the biography of Shantini Theva. Further, you will read about her net worth, ex-boyfriends, education, career, and family.
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Shantini Theva Wiki
Shantini Theva is a Malaysian entertainer who works in the Tamil entertainment world. She made her acting introduction with the film Nadodigal alongside Sasikumar in the year 2009. She at that point showed up in the film 2012 film 2G Spectrum. Following seven years, Shantini Deva is back with the film named PUBG (Polladha Ulagil Bayangara Game) which likewise stars Aishwarya Dutta, Anithra Nair, and Niveda Baddula.
Shantini Deva was in news as of late after she recorded a grumbled against Ex-Minister Manikandan.
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Net Worth, Family, Ex-Boyfriend
Acording to finding currently, there is no information available about her actual net worth. the estimated net worth is around $10K. Further, her family and ex-boyfriend are not known.