On Tuesday BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis demanded to arrest of police officer Sachin Vaze in the mysterious death of auto parts dealer Mansukh Hiran. Even the wife of Mansukh Hiren has mentioned in her complaint that police officer Sachin Vaze killed her husband. In the FIR, Vimala Hiren ( wife of Mansukh Hiren) said the entire sequence of events till March 5, when her husband’s body was found. Stay tuned with the article to get all updates on Sachin Vaze case, wiki, age, wife, news.
Vimala said “Mansukh Hiren, an auto parts dealer, was in possession of the Scorpio car for three years and it originally belonged to one Peter Newton. She said Hiren gave the car to Vaze, a regular client, in November last year.”
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Mansukh Hiren’s wife FIR
“On February 5, Vaze sent the car to our shop with a complaint of stiff steering. On February 17, Hiren left for Mumbai in the car. However, the steering jammed and he parked the car near Mulund toll plaza. The next day, the car could not be found,” she said.
“On February 25, when the Scorpio was found near Ambani’s residence, the ATS Vikhroli unit questioned my husband. My husband identified the car and also informed them about the theft complaint and showed a copy of the FIR,” Vimala said.
She also mentioned that her husband was with Vaze, known as an ‘encounter specialist’, on February 27, 28, and March 2. “On March 2, Hiren informed me that, as asked by Vaze, he submitted a complaint about harassment by police and media to the Chief Minister, Home Minister and Police Commissioner of Thane and Mumbai. However, when I asked my husband whether he was tortured by cops, he denied,” she said in her complaint.
“My husband was a good swimmer and he cannot drown. His belongings like phone, gold chain, wallet were not found. Looking at the entire situation, I am sure he was murdered and I suspect that Vaze has killed him,” she said in her complaint.
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Sachin Vaze wiki
Sachin Vaze is a police officer of the Maharashtra Police Force of India. he was born on 22 February, 1972. He is known as an “encounter specialist” in the Mumbai Encounter Squad. Even he was involved in the deaths of as many as 63 alleged criminals. Sachin Vaze joined Maharashtra Police Force in back 1990 and regional political party, Shiv Sena, in 2008. Nowadays, he is suspected to killed businessman Manuskh Hiren which is claimed by his wife.