Heartbreaking news coming from Rajasthan, where a Rajasthani YouTuber who was also a director his name is Ashish Saini but he used to be known by his online name which is Kalu Beti. He had an immense following over social media sites and now he has gone and said bye to all. His death news surprised the number of people at the age of 21 years he left the world.
Rajasthani Youtuber Kalu Beti
He holding Indian nationality you had his own YouTube channel named Rajasthani Masti, as per the report we got to know that he has died on 5th October in 2021 on Tuesday at the age of 21. His parents and loved ones have started to pay tribute on social media sites and they continue posting pictures as you can see their reaction on social media platforms.
He had a huge number of subscribers on the YouTube channel his videos were famous among people he will be remembered by us. It is a hard time for his family that at a young age he has died there are many netizens who are seeking his death cause. To all of them, we want to tell, his death cause is not revealed yet but he was having some problem and for that, he was also admitted to the hospital.
On Tuesday in the early morning, when his family found him dead on his bed, they were shocked. On his youtube channel, you can fund our more interesting videos, for what he was famous for, his real name was Ashish Saini, he was an emerging star. Some of his videos are indicating that he was given poison by his enemies on the last night which is why he died. The investigation is going on, we will let you inform very soon.
When he was suffering from the pain of poison, he was taken to the hospital and got admitted, after some time doctors declared him dead. He was gaining lots of fan following and growing with the time his youtube channel is holding thousands of subscribers, people want to know about Ashish Saini Aka Kalu Beti, it has been confirmed that there was poison in his body during the treatment. This case is being a mystery, police are investing and trying to find out the exact death cause.