Recently a widely shared viral Video becoming more and more popular on social media in which a UP Man Shoots Nephew Dead. This video is really horrifying for anyone. Everything is looking casual in the video in starting but suddenly everything turns into a nightmare. This 30-second bizarre video Clearly spoken that how easy it is to make a laughing men’s group turn into Horrifying moans. Stay tuned with the article to know More about UP Man Shoots Nephew Dead Viral Video.
UP Man Shoots Nephew Dead Viral Video
A 30-second casual video turns into the saddest nightmare for the 19-year-old Prince. In the video, A man normally picks up a pistol, loads it with a bullet, and shoots his nephew who was sitting in front of him. The video is recorded by the victim himself. When he was shot, his phone fallen down, and the video ended.
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The video is of a group who were chilling together and drinking. Suddenly the person picked up the pistol and shot his nephew. the arrested person has claimed that he was just checking out the pistol and not shot the price. This murder happened 2 days ago where many Alcohol bottles are lying around them.