One with another, here comes another heartbreaking and shocking news to hear. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Ramesh Diwakar has recently passed away due to Covid-19. Ramesh represented Auraiya Sadar in the UP Legislative Assembly. He was of 56 years old. Ramesh was undergoing treatment at Meerut Medical College after he had tested for infection. Stay with the blog for more deep details about his death and wiki.
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Ramesh Diwakar Wiki
Ramesh Diwakar was the BJP MLA from Sadar and He was born on 25 January 1964 in Etawah. Ramesh Diwakar is the Famous Politician From Bhartiya Janta Party. Even everyone who has an interest in politics knows Ramesh Diwakar. His family information is currently not available on the internet that’s why we are unable to serve you that.
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Real Name | Ramesh Diwakar |
Nickname | Ramesh |
Profession | BJP MLA Auraiya Sadar |
Click Here | |
Wife Name/Spouse | Lakshmi Devi |
Physical Status | |
Age | 56 Years |
Height |
Weight |
Eye Colour | Black |
Hair Colour | Black |
Shoe Size | 7 US |
Personal Information | |
Date of Birth | 25 January 1964 |
Birth Place | Etawah, Uttar Pradesh |
Zodiac sign | NA |
Nationality | Indian |
School Name | NA |
College Name | NA |
Qualifications | Graduate |
Family Profile | |
Father Name | NA |
Mother Name | NA |
Uncle Name | NA |
Career | |
Source Of Income | Politics |
Appeared In | NA |
Net Worth, Salary | Not Known |
Death Date | 23 April 2021 |
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Ramesh Diwakar Death Reason
Due to this Covid Virus, many big and popular personality has died and now Ramesh Diwakar too. Yes, As per the reports, Ramesh Dwakar Death reason is Covid 19 virus. His death news makes everyone shocked in the whole political industry. Everyone is showing their tribute to the death of Ramesh Diwakar. This morning, he died during his undergoing treatment of covid 19.