Recently proud news for Indian becoming viral on the internet about the successful launch of Agni Prime missile off the Odisha coast. On this Monday, Indian Finally successfully tested a new-generation nuclear-capable Agni ballistic missile from the test range on the Abdul Kalam island off the coast of Odisha.
Agni Prime Wiki
The sources said The advanced two-stage missile called ‘Agni-Prime’ has a strike range from 1,000 to 2,000-km. “Test-fired at 10.55 am, the missile was tracked by various telemetry and radar stations positioned along the eastern coast. It met all mission objectives with a high level of accuracy,” said a DRDO official.
When this news comes out people are continuously searching for the Wikipedia page of Agni Prime, even on a social media platform like Twitter, People are madly searching for more about Agni Prime launch.
Congratulating defense scientists for the successful mission, defense minister Rajnath Singh said, “The Agni-P missile would further strengthen India’s credible deterrence capabilities.”
The Agni-P missile has been developed with new propulsion systems and composite rocket motor casings as well as advanced navigation and guidance systems. “It’s a completely new missile, the smallest and lightest among the entire Agni series of ballistic missiles,” a scientist said.
Significantly, Agni-P is also a canister-launch missile like the country’s first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the over 5,000-km Agni-V, which is now in the process of being inducted by the Strategic Forces Command (SFC).
“Canisterisation” of missiles gives the armed forces the requisite operational flexibility to store it for long periods, swiftly transport it through rail or road when required, and fire it from anywhere they want.
“The hermetically-sealed canister protects the missile from the environment. It also serves as a launch platform since the missile is stored in it in a ready-to-fire configuration. It reduces the response time as well as ensures higher reliability with less maintenance,” the scientist added.